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Understanding The Key Photosynthesis Lab Activities/Experiments

Photosynthesis is a common biological process in plants. Photosynthesis sis generally a biological process that depends on sunlight for the plants to make their own food. The science of photosynthesis is however not easily understood by many learners. It is because of this challenge that various lab activities have been introduced to help the learners understand how this takes place from the start to the end. Lab activities or experiments will help you understand all the fundamental basics of photosynthesis for the students to understand it in a better way. In the lad, things are done practically unlike in the classes where one only reads about the process. There are so many experiments or activities carried out in the lab to help the learners increase their knowledge about photosynthesis. The following are some common photosynthesis lab activities or experiments that are very common in many learning institutions. More on 

The first lab activity carried out in the lab in an effort to understand photosynthesis is sunlight deprivation experiments. This is done after the learners are explained to what photosynthesis actually is and how sugars are made out of sunlight. This lab activity is meant to show the effects of lack of sunlight on plants. During this activity, fast growing plants like bean sprouts are given to the learners when potted in small paper cups where some are required to place some plants on a sunny windowsill and others in closets with no windows.

After being soiled and watered for a week, comparisons are made to show the effect of sunlight on photosynthesis. The other common lab activity on photosynthesis are chlorophyll experiments. Simple materials like scissors, glass jars, coffee filters and acetones are used. Some two or three non-green leaves which are the coffee filters are cut and mixed in acetones where they are left to sit for 24-hours. It is after this that the green color on the chemicals released by the acetone becomes visible. The last photosynthesis lab activity that helps the learners easily understand this form of biological process in plants observation of the chemical reactions of photosynthesis. More details meiosis activity high school

After understanding the basics of photosynthesis, the teachers conduct other experiments for the learners to witness first hand chemical reactions of photosynthesis. Plants used should be from aquarium store where they are placed in test tubes filled with water and after one hour, tiny bubbles develop on the walls of test tubes. This shows that the plants are converting hydrogen into food which are carbohydrates.
